Active Creative - Stimulating the spirit of the cultural and creative entrepreneurship

2022-09-01 » 2024-04-30

Active Creative

A program co-financing activities under the project.: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of the Culture Program co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
Project Partners: - Media Dizajn - Project Leader
- Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
- International Development Norway

Project related events

Training in photography and graphic design as part of the Active Creative project

A two-day training course in photography and image post-production, conducted as part of the Active Creative project, has just ended. […]

Brand building training

The next training we are offering as part of the Active Creative project is on branding for startups and effective […]

Baltic Home in Oslo. Active Creative Project - Day 3

We concluded our visit to Oslo by attending the opening of the Baltic Home exhibition, organised by the Media Dizajn […]

Study visit to Oslo as part of the Active Creative project - day 2 - workshops

The second day of the study visit with Active Creative, on 11 January this year, was marked by training and […]

Study visit to Oslo within the Active Creative project - day 1

We are in the midst of a study visit to Oslo, Norway, organised as part of the project AkTYwny KreaTYwny […]

Active Creative Project - photography workshop

The next training session of the Active Creative project is behind us. Last Saturday, a photography workshop was held, during […]

Active Creative - Photography workshop

We would like to invite everyone interested to a free photography workshop, which will be held this Saturday from 12.00 […]

Active Creative - Stimulating the spirit of the cultural and creative entrepreneurship

The Active Creative Project - stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship, aims to improve business and entrepreneurial competences among representatives of the creative sector from Poland and Norway, internationalize their achievements, build a cooperation network, and create favorable conditions for the creation and development of creative sector organizations. When preparing the project concept, the bidders were guided by the goals and needs defined in national and EU strategies as well as consultations conducted with organizations operating in the creative sector as well as existing business and academic partners and the administration.

The project will include a number of activities to improve the skills of creative entrepreneurs, including:

  • workshops,
  • curriculum manager - creative,
  • consultations,
  • interactive exhibitions,
  • study visits,
  • creative congress,
  • creative places,
  • creative secretariats,
  • a strategy to strengthen entrepreneurship in the creative sector
  • executive training,
  • support for companies and institutions from the creative and cultural sectors covered by the support.
  • digital art place

Creative Secretariat

Operation of a permanent consulting point, where entities from the creative sector can receive assistance in the field of law, accounting, commercialization and internationalization of activities. Secretariat will assistance to individuals, companies and NGOs with a low level of development, i.e. weak in terms of infrastructure, with low awareness of the possibility of taking action and initiative groups conducting cultural and creative activities.

Cooperation with organizations begins with the submission of relevant documents, i.e. an application, including the entity/group's action plan for 12 months (with particular emphasis on cultural and creative activities addressed to the city's residents (especially seniors and people under 30), readiness to obtaining external funds, the possible degree of use of the received space, a plan to take actions aimed at making the organization independent).


Program: EEA funds within the framework of the "Culture" program, action "Improving access to culture and the arts".
Project area: music and art, creative industries, cultural and art education
Project scope: local and transnational (investment action in Poland, know how from Norway)
Role of STG ERB: partner with own budget
Level of funding 85%
Project budget: 325.755,81 EUR
STG ERB budget: 98.117,47 EUR
Project consortium: 3 partners, including 2 from PL and 1 from NOR

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