Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News Projects English pll_65e5d89dde5c0 Aktywny Kreatywny
Brand building training
The next training we are offering as part of the Active Creative project is on branding for startups and effective communication in social media. It will be held in Gdansk on March 28 and 29 this year.
Topics to be covered during the training include: defining a company's brand, values, mission, vision; strategies for building customer engagement and loyalty, creating a consistent brand image in social media and effective written and spoken communication with media and influencers. Students will learn how to identify your target audience, take a comprehensive look at your budget, clearly define your goals, and how to define the way you think about customers, ecology, planning and strategy.
We will provide all details at +48 601 690 335.
Those wishing to attend are invited to sign up via e-mail: or