Euroregion Baltic News

Think global, Act local - Preparations to start the project

As part of the Active EUcitizens program, funding was awarded to the project "Think global, Act local". On 11 the […]

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Get the ENGAGE project handbook! "Strategic approach to international cooperation and project work"

We encourage everyone to read the handbook, which will allow you to understand the mechanisms of creating international cooperation through […]

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Entrepreneurship among young people - educational camp in Klaipeda, Lithuania!

Youth representatives of local governments from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury participate in a 3-day workshop on entrepreneurship, which from […]

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Further work on building a regular project using the Nudging method – 07.05.2022 online

Another partnership meeting of the SB Nudging online application preparation team took place today 07.05.2022 with representatives from Poland, Lithuania […]

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On 06/05/2022, the Polish-German-Swedish team had the opportunity to meet online during the kick-off conference initiating activities of the project […]

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Download the guide "How to stimulate social entrepreneurship with non-formal and informal learning methods"

Dear young people! Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Do you have an idea for your own business? You don't know […]

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