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Task Force Group - Sztum Circular Economy 14.11.2022
We would like to thank all the participants of the conference initiating the operation of the Task Force Working Group for their participation and involvement in both the part of inspirational presentations, the discussion panel and the working group workshops. During the meeting, new ideas for initiatives were born that could be developed and implemented by working groups.
The meeting began with the welcome of the guests by the Project Leader, the Mayor of the City and Commune of Sztum, Mr. Leszek Tabor, and the representative of the City of Elbląg, Mr. Adam Jocz. In order to introduce the subject of the project, the representative of the project leader, Mrs. Ewa Ruczyńska, presented the project's activities, both those that have already taken place and those that are planned. The Director of the Association, Marcin Żuchowski, as the partner responsible for the activities related to the creation of the Task Force, presented the plan and assumptions of the action.

Participants of the event had the opportunity to listen to inspirational presentations presented by specialists on various topics related to:
- possibilities of financing activities,
- energy,
- running a social shop,
- waste,
- circular economy.

The next part of the meeting concerned the discussion panel, which was attended by representatives of the Marshal's Offices from the Warmian-Masurian and Pomeranian Voivodships, scientific representatives from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a partner from Norway (International Development Norway).

The last part of the conference was devoted to a workshop, where the participants, divided into groups, talked about problematic topics in their regions / organizations and how they can be counteracted. Two task forces were created on Energy and Water, Waste and Production)

During the meeting, new ideas for initiatives were born that could be developed and implemented by working groups.
Activity implemented as part of the project "Sztum Circular Economy - A response to contemporary climate challenges". The project is co-financed under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the "Environment, Energy, Climate Change" Program and from the state budget.