Think Global, Act Local

2022-07-01 » 2023-12-31

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), Network of Towns

A program co-financing activities under the project.: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV), Network of Towns
Project Partners: - The National Association of Balneoclimateric Resorts in Romania (Leader - Romania)
- Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic (Poland)
- Ayuntamiento de Mislata (Spain)
- Comune di Gambassi Terme (Italy)
- Municipality of Agii Anargiri-Kamatero (Greece)

Project related events

How do we increase citizen involvement and contribute to the development of participatory democracy in our local communities?

Civic engagement and participatory democracy are essential elements of a healthy and prosperous society. They enable citizens to actively participate […]

Second event in Romania 17-18.10.2023

The final event of the Think Global, Act Local project, which took place in Slanic Moldova (Romania), is behind us. […]

The last day of the TGAL study visit

We have just completed the third day of the Think Global, Act Local project study visit. Today we visited two […]

The second day of the Think Global Act Local visit

A study visit to Poland as part of the Think Global Act Local project is underway. Today, representatives of local […]

TGAL - first day of study visit in Poland

The Tink Global Act Local project is a pilot project bringing together cities and municipalities from five European countries - […]

Fifth workshop of the Think Global, Act Local project - Romania

The event in Slanic Moldova and surrounding towns took place from 3-6 July 2023, this time organised by the project […]

The fourth workshop of the Think Global, Act Local project - Spain

On May 10-11th, the Spanish city of Mislata became a place of workshops as part of the Think Global, Act […]

Active EUcitizens: Think Global, Act local is a pilot project that brings together towns and municipalities from 5 EU countries (Romania, Spain, Italy, Greece and Poland), that share the same goal to better involve their citizens in the life of the community while creating a sustainable strategy for cooperation and exchange of good practices at EU level. The project aims to enhance direct contact between citizens and authorities from the consortium countries, perform exchange of good practices, trans-national brainstorming and consultation process, in order to reinforce the feeling of belonging and awareness to the European family.

The project will be implemented over an 18-months period and consists of 3 strategic steps:

  1. Small-scale citizens consultations and data gathering
  2. Common long-term strategy for citizens’ involvement in communities’ directions and EU cooperation.
  3. Pilot transnational activity: Active EUcitizens: Think Global, Act local

Our project is fully aligned with the general objectives of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), Network of Towns window, since our planned activities under the Working Packages strongly support the international cooperation between citizens of the consortium partners, will create a framework opened to debates and ideas, and will ultimately put together a clear strategy for citizens’ involvement in communities’ directions and EU cooperation.


Project area: Increasing and better involvement of citizens in the life of local self-government communities
Project scope: European or transnational
Duration: 18 months
The role of STG ERB: partner with own budget
Project budget: EUR 168,000.00
STG ERB budget: EUR 52,855.00
Co-financing rate: 100%
Project consortium: 5 partners from PL, RU, IT, ES, GR
Involved actors: Town and Commune of Tolkmicko

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