
PP2 - Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
PP3 - Kristiansand katedralskole Gimle
PP4 - Stowarzyszenie "Bałtycki Instytut Spraw Europejskich i Regionalnych"
PP 5 - Social Innovation Center
Project related events

Today (29.06.2022) was the last meeting of the Indigise project consortium implemented with the funds of the Erasmus+ online project, […]

Today (13/06/2022) there was another online meeting of the members of the Indigise project consortium dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship […]

June 6th, 2022, the Young Generation Dialogue Forum was held in Elbląg with the participation of over 30 people - […]

FORUM FOR DIALOGUE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION - an event of the INDIGISE project - Elbląg - 06.06.2022
On June 6, 2022, the FORUM FOR DIALOGUE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION will be held in Elbląg, organized by the […]

On May 9-11 2022 almost 30 young people (including 7 representatives of our Association) from 4 Baltic Sea countries had […]

Entrepreneurship among young people - educational camp in Klaipeda, Lithuania!
Youth representatives of local governments from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury participate in a 3-day workshop on entrepreneurship, which from […]

Download the guide "How to stimulate social entrepreneurship with non-formal and informal learning methods"
Dear young people! Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Do you have an idea for your own business? You don't know […]
Indigise - Promotion of social entrepreneurship in the youth sector by digital and informal education tools
The project is seeking new tools to reassure social business concept development and dissemination. Currently, the aid for social business is fragile, especially regarding using innovative informal learning methods. Students nowadays live in modern technology era when they are using computers, tablets, and mobiles for spending their free time and that ́s why we have decided to use advanced technology to bring the education to students by using the computers. DIGITAL TOOLS deliver one of the innovative methods - it is a well-known fact that all types of innovation - technological and societal, top-down and bottom-up (as in our project case) are using the ICT solutions such as the Internet, data gathering, social media. They all seems as crucial for catalysing the innovative process and spreading know-how across the borders
We foresee the project innovativeness due to several reasons:
- it introduces the importance of the digital tools and gamification in educations - participants will learn how to solve the real problems by using eight innovative, youth-oriented ICT tools for social entrepreneurship education,
- the continuation and development of the digital environment and tools for the special reason - to improve skills in social entrepreneurship and to support and promote social entrepreneurship in the youth sector within Baltic Sea region countries;
- practical youth training concentrating, not on theory, but “practical business models for social entrepreneurship” and innovative gaming methods shared during the intensive five days’ InnoCamps in two countries;
- dissemination with approach “train-the-trainers’ – concentrated on forums with youth participation, sharing practical examples and InnoCamp Methodology Handbook and networking.
This project can be seen as innovative also due to the following reasons:
- Platform www.socialenterprisebsr.net that was created in the other project and will be used and further developed significantly by updating it and launching During this Erasmus+ project will serve as a self-study approach in local languages across the Baltic Sea region. There have been no such initiatives before - to our knowledge. Hence, the continuation of providing self-learning support for youth learners is a continuation of the innovation;
- besides that platform contains a database of social enterprises in the BSR and events calendar, hence making it unique and outstanding networking and information sharing source in the BSR.
The project will have a set of key outputs:
- Delivery of youth-oriented, innovative educational tools to develop the entrepreneurial competence in the field of social economy;
- To spread the idea of social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region and broader - in Northern Europe (LV, PL, LT, NO) within the youth sector to enhance youth capacity for action and to develop new models of learning and doing business adjusted to young people’s needs in today's world aiming for collaborative economy;
- Provide the necessary competencies, and support tools enable young people to develop social business ideas and entrepreneurial mindset at regional/national/ international level --> especially significant, as the 21st century skills at the core of the lifelong learning strategy of the EU will be critical to ensure a new generation of citizens equipped with competencies such as collaboration, creativity and problem-solving and personal skills such as initiative, curiosity and resilience;
- 2 InnoCamps in Norway and Lithuania designed to test the project outputs with final beneficiaries - youth. Junior Achievement experts and mentors will help to organise and conduct an InnoCamp experience for 25 young people (coming from 4 EU/non-EU) countries in each Camp. InnoCamps will also be an innovative approach and opportunity to test the project outputs with the target users and gather feedback to fine tune a final version of the products. Our aim is also to prepare InnoCamp Methodology Handbook to share our experience and replicate the InnoCamps in other EU and non-EU countries for more youth to acquire entrepreneurial skills and competencies and to engage them in social entrepreneurship activities;
- introduce coding and gamification methods to engage youth within social entrepreneurship --> our answer to the fact, that new ways of thinking are needed for tackling societal challenges, as we discover that traditional problem-solving methods are no longer sufficient.
- promoting the concept of SE and supporting social enterprise start-ups by maintaining an Open Education Resource platform - www.socialenterprisebsr.net with newly created "YOUTH" section.
The InnoCamps we foresee as a crucial part of our project and key-deliverable, as we've noticed that there are many compelling ideas about ‘what’ needs to be done in the field of social entrepreneurship in general. Our InnoCamps are meant to be pilot initiatives both for Lithuania and Norway, that once tested - will be described in details and available to other stakeholders (teachers, experts, youth workers, NGOs etc.) in whole Europe - they will receive complete Handbook with step-by-step guide what to do to prepare similar InnoCamp in their country/organization.