Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Indigisetl-ne Bez kategorii Indigise Projects English pll_62a6f55e7be39 Indigise
June 6th, 2022, the Young Generation Dialogue Forum was held in Elbląg with the participation of over 30 people - representatives of Youth Councils together with guardians, who operate in the member self-governments of the Association from: Elbląg, Malbork, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie and Dzierzgoń.
The organizer of the event was the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Bałtyk.
The aim of this event was to integrate the community of Youth Local Government Councils, exchange experiences, search for inspiration for youth activities for the benefit of young people, and establish cooperation with Youth Councils.
Along with the agenda of the Forum, participants received from the organizers handbooks created under the INDIGISE project, covered by the IO2 action "Manual - how to stimulate social entrepreneurship using non-formal and informal learning methods", and also covered by the IO3 action "Social Enterpreneurship Methodology Handbook".
The official opening was made by Marcin Żuchowski, Director of the Secretariat of the Association, who introduced participants to the activities of the Youth Councils, their activities, directions of activities, at the same time asking the participants to introduce themselves to get to know each other better. Then Adrianna Gniado-Turkowska presented the assumptions of the INDIGISE project, sources of financing, project partnership, activities carried out in Poland, and in other countries and also with Polish and foreign partners. This statement was complemented by the presentation of the candidate for a member of the Youth Board of the Euroregion Baltic, Dawid Jędrzejewski, about the participation of young representatives of the Councils in the action entitled "Social entrepreneurship camp", held in Klaipeda on May 9-11, 2022, and then on May 13-14, online. He also discussed a website about social entrepreneurship aimed at serving young people, which was created within another project and is being developed as part of INDIGISE.

The guest of the Forum was Ms Joanna Glezman, Head of the Department for Social Dialogue and Public Benefit of the Marshal's Office of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship, together with Ms Maja Świtkowska from the same Department.

Ms Joanna Glezman introduced the participants to many interesting initiatives and projects undertakenby the Warmia and Mazury Voivodship for the benefit of young people since 2015, e.g. subsidies "Local system of supporting youth initiatives" or " We act for the benefit of local communities", the assumption of which is to create and strengthen conditions for the development of creative potential, civic activity and competences of young people, developing intergenerational cooperation, building local coalitions and partnerships, supporting initiatives developed by young people. In her presentation, Ms Joanna Glezman also discussed projects for young people, indicated the most active localities, discussed the assumptions of the working group established by a Resolution of the Board of the Warmia and Masury Voivodeship "Strengthening the creative potential, civic activity and social competences of young people", and many other initiatives for young people, such as the annual Youth Forum of Warmia and Mazury, during which the problems faced by young people and their needs are discussed. The next Youth Forum of Warmia and Mazury will be held on June 10, 2022, to which the participants of the Elbląg Forum were invited by the Manager.

The Young Generation Dialogue Forum was combined with thematic workshops aimed at shaping innovative, entrepreneurial and participatory attitudes and thinking of young people. This part also included a discussion panel on the needs of young people, the environment in which they live, their social activity, and setting directions for action. The entire part was conducted by the CIVIS POLONUS Foundation from Warsaw. Forum participants also had the opportunity to see the good practices of the activities of Youth Councils, Towns and Poviats from various parts of Poland, presented by the Foundation, as initiatives or projects that changed the community. Some of these initiatives live online as podcasts, and you can listen to them whenever and wherever you want.

The guardians of the Youth Councils had a separate meeting with the Association's team led by Marcin Żuchowski, Director of the Secretariat. He presented several youth-related project initiatives that he discussed with participants, inviting them to jointly discuss the concept of project proposals, including goals, activities, etc.

The FORUM ended with a summary and, at the same time, an invitation to cooperate within initiatives presented by Dawid Markun, a representative of the Youth Council of the Baltic Euroregion.