Nursecoast II
Sustainable water

- Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
- SYKLI Environmental School of Finland (SYKLI)
- Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association (KATA)
- Aalborg Univesity (AAU)
- The Bogdan Janski Bure Misie Community Foundation (BMCF)
- Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn)
- Jurmala Udens Water Utility (JU)
- Municipality of Söderhamn
- Municipality of Ingå
- JSC Neringa water
- Ecovillage Egeskoven (EcoE)
- NK forsyning
- Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
- EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany
Project related events

NURSECOAST-II - Study visit to Denmark
A study visit of the NURSECOAST-II project consortium to Denmark took place from 25-27 October. The project partners, together with […]

NURSECOAST-II - online meeting
As every fortnight, we also attended the regular meeting of the NURSECOAST-II project partners today, 29 August. During the online […]

Nursecoast II - technolognike meeting
On Wednesday 30 August this year, the NURSECOAST II project held an online meeting on technological issues. We discussed with […]

Regular online meeting NURSECOAST-II
As every fortnight, we also attended the regular meeting of the NURSECOAST-II project partners today, 29 August. During the online […]

Online meeting - Nursecoast II project
The Nursecoast II project partners met today, July 18. The project consortium, in an online format, connects every two weeks. […]

Nursecoast II - online meeting
Today, 04/07/2023, another online meeting was held within the Nursecoast II project. The project work is in the reporting phase, […]

Nursecoast II - Online meeting
The Nursecoast II partnership meeting was held today, 06/06/2023. Partners connected online to discuss key issues related to the planned […]
The Nursecoast project aims to better adapt wastewater treatment systems to the high seasonality of tourist destinations and improve the condition of the coastal Baltic Sea.
The Nursecoast II project focuses on the problem of small wastewater treatment plants associated with tourism on the seacoast. The high variability of flows caused by the seasonality of tourist traffic makes it difficult to achieve the required wastewater quality at any time. In turn, the quality of wastewater affects the condition of coastal waters and the attractiveness of these destinations to tourists.
The project will pilot various approaches to treating excess wastewater during peak tourist periods, such as wastewater treatment technologies, reuse of treated wastewater, nature-based solutions, gray water and sludge management. In addition, an exploratory study of small wastewater systems will be carried out to expand knowledge of daily operational problems, develop several tutorials based on the project results, and formulate guidelines for wastewater treatment policies in Baltic Sea tourist destinations. The main target groups are local public authorities, owners of tourist attractions and operators of wastewater treatment plants.
Project area: Sustainable water
Project scope: European or transnational (mainly Baltic Sea countries)
Role of STG ERB: Partner with its own budget
Level of funding: 80%
Project budget: 4,421,180.27 EUR
STG ERB budget: 210,754.22 EUR
Project consortium: Project implemented jointly with 17 full partners and 25 associated partners from PL, DK, SE, EE, DE, LT, LV , FI