Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Nursecoast IItl-ne News Nursecoast-II English pll_64a42ac0c4525 Nursecoast II
Nursecoast II - online meeting
Today, 04/07/2023, another online meeting was held within the Nursecoast II project. The project work is in the reporting phase, with each partner preparing relevant documents. At today's on-line meeting, the participants presented information on the status of the above work and the results of their involvement from the last time. The project consortium is successively working on the mapping of similar projects, looking for inspiration and useful information, and are consulting on substantive issues with experts on an ongoing basis, while preparing to test the technologies potentially used in the planned investments in order to make future pilots as effective as possible.
You can read about the assumptions of the Nursecoast II project by clicking on the link below: