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Active Citizens Program - Regional Fund - micro-grants for young organizations, call until May 8, 2023

Young organizations interested in developing their entities are encouraged to take advantage of the Active Citizens - Regional Fund Program. The program has launched a call for applications for micro-grants and its goal is "to provide optimal conditions for the development and proper functioning of organizations that are just starting out, or those that have not yet managed to establish internal rules and procedures, develop a work culture or ways to effectively reach their audiences".

The goal of the program is at the same time a hint to those interested in what activities can be carried out under the project.

Perhaps for some organizations this is the first step directed at the internationalization of the unit, which is encouraged by the ongoing ENGAGE! project, in which our Association is a partner while BISER is the leader of the entire project.

The call for applications runs from March 1, 2023 until May 8, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Minimum grant amount: 10 000 EUR

Maximum grant amount: 12 000 EUR

Lead time: 6 to 8 months

ATTENTION! Own contribution is not mandatory!

Call for proposals - here

More information, including but not limited to: application details, form, application, instructions, link to generator, etc. - here

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