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FORUM FOR DIALOGUE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION - an event of the INDIGISE project - Elbląg - 06.06.2022
On June 6, 2022, the FORUM FOR DIALOGUE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION will be held in Elbląg, organized by the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Bałtyk. The aim of the event is to increase the influence of young people on the local and regional social and civic sphere. It is a very important event of the INDIGISE project combined with thematic workshops aimed at shaping innovative, entrepreneurial and participatory attitudes and thinking of young people. The event will also feature a panel discussion with lots of action going on!
The event is directed to:
● young people interested in strengthening their abilities and opportunities to act in the area social entrepreneurship
● youth councils of Warmia and Mazury and Pomerania
● other local formal and informal organizations associating and activating youth,
● regional youth associations and representations
Representatives of Youth Board and Board Guardians are invited to register at the FORUM at the following link:
Participation in the event is free and open - we invite everyone.
We cover travel costs to the event.
FORUM program, 6 June 2022, Elbląg
08:30-09:00 Registration, coffee break
09:00-09:10 Opening of the event and welcome the participants by the Director of STG ERB - Marcin Żuchowski
09:10-09:25 Introduction to the INDIGISE project - supporting social enterpreneurship of young people - Adrianna Gniado-Turkowska oraz Dawid Jędrzejewski
09:25-09:40 Presentation of the social enterupreneurship platform –
09:40-10.00 Presentation of the guidebook - how to stimulate social entrepreneurship through informal teaching methods
10:00-10:20 „Activities of the Self-government of the Warmia-Masury Voivodeship for the youth"
- Joanna Glezman, Head of the Office for Social Dialogue and Public Benefit of the Marshal's Office
10:20-10.30 Information about the Youth Assembly of the Warmia-Masury Voivodeship
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:45 Warkshop part A - Trener Civis Polonus Foundation
- My Youth Board We learn about the possible activities of the youth board on the basis of the experiences of workshop participants
- Legal basis of the youth council Functions and tasks of the youth board
12:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Warkshop part B - Trener Civis Polonus Foundation
- Cooperation of the youth board with local authorities Possibilities and good practices
- Cooperation of the youth board with young people How a youth board can represent young people and involve them in cooperation
- We build the network around common goals An attempt to establish cooperation between youth boards around common tasks and goals
15:30-16:00 Participants' discussion about future youth events and initiatives
16:00-16:15 Summary and further cooperation plans- ERB YOUTH BOARD, Baltic Euroregion youth network
16:15-16:30 Conclisions
Contact of the event supervisors:
Paulina Lieder-Żuchowska; +48 601 690 335,
Adrianna Gniado-Turkowska; +48 607 334 619,
Dawid Markun, representantive of the STG ERB Youth Board of the Euroregion Baltic (ERB Youth Board)
Main Youth specialist in our Association
Dawid Jędrzejewski, deputy of the representative of the STG ERB Youth Board of the Euroregion Baltic (ERB Youth Board)
You're welcome!