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Workshops for IS Water Economy Leaders
On 21 April this year, at the headquarters of the Elbląg Technology Park, a workshop related to the water industry was held on the smart specialisation "Water Economy". The event was organised by the Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship, Gustaw Marek Brzezin. The opening was attended by the Mayor of Elbląg, Witold Wróblewski, and the Deputy Director of the Regional Policy Department of the Office of the Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship, Dorota Kopeć.

The following gave their lectures: Prof. Joanna Hołub-Iwan - an expert in the activities of innovative business institutions, Marcin Żuchowski - Director of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, Michał Bąk - connected with the yacht industry, and Dariusz Gawlik - institutionally connected with the Intelligent Specialisation Water Economy. Employees from the EPT Advanced Environmental Analysis Laboratory and the Pasłęk Economic Development Center Association also talked about their activities.
The topics of the presentations and speeches were related to the issues of cooperation as a value and at the same time a factor for the success of enterprises, the building of a competitive advantage and the broad topic of possible sources of funding for innovative ventures.

This was the second meeting of the leaders of the "Water Economy" smart specialization. As a reminder, the first one was held in December 2022, where during a substantive discussion they worked on the above topics and the SWOT analysis of the smart specialisation, which was also an important point of the second edition of the event. The workshop participants were divided into 3 groups, where, under the guidance of the facilitators, discussions took place on the opportunities, threats and strengths and weaknesses for the industries included in the smart specialisation "Water Economy".

During Friday's meeting, a letter of intent for the 'Elbląg Network of Specialization and Water Economy' was also signed. The signatories of the above letter declared their willingness to cooperate in the creation of a network and platform for water cooperation. The network will be a place for multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination under the leadership of the Elbląg Municipality and coordinated by the Elbląg Technology Park and the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, acting as contact points for this informal group, supporting entities of water management and economics in the region of northern Poland.