Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Green uptl-ne Green up. News Projects English pll_63174075d88db Green up
Today had place a meeting in Elbląg Technology Park where partners responsible for project activities had chance to meet and plan the future implementation of a number of innovative project activities of the recently granted project 'Green up 2022-2024 - young people for green change in schools and communities', which will be implemented with funding from the Norwegian funds under the Active Citizens - Regional Fund programme.
The meeting was attended by partners representing:
- Association for the Development of Cooperative and Local Entrepreneurship WAMA-COOP - being the Project Leader;
- Association of Polish Communities Euroregion Baltic;
- Elbląg Technology Park.

These are the partners who will be responsible for the next 20 months, for contacts and cooperation with our local government partners, carrying out activities, educational and informational activities. All of this is to constitute the strength of the practical dimension of the project and its effects on local communities, in this case represented by educational institutions and schoolchildren in three towns: Dzierzgoń, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie and Braniewo.
It was an important coordination meeting dedicated mainly to planning the project's first activities such as a coordination meeting with local partners (online), a kick-off conference, diagnostic meetings in municipalities and methodological meetings in schools.
The meeting also dealt with administrative-technical issues concerning the signing of the grant agreement, the re-verification of the project proposal to make it best suited to the needs of the partnership and the expectations of the beneficiaries. It is also the preparation of the required documentation to close the process of signing the grant agreement.
The partnership team wants the project to start as early as 1 October, and finalisation work is currently underway so that we can all move on to main activities, i.e. to take multi-sectoral action to make attention to lasting change in environmental protection, including the promotion of pro-environmental behaviour among the youngest generation.