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WaterMantl-ne News WaterMan English pll_6500720d73d1f WaterMan
WaterMan - study visit and talks with experts in Denmark
Our Association is actively involved in many initiatives related to the environment on many levels. The issue of water reuse appears to be one of the priority activities. We are active in this extremely important area by educating, promoting good practices, cooperating with cities and municipalities by activating and supporting their local activities in the above topics. We recently visited Denmark, implementing the next phase of the WaterMan project, the idea of which is to promote water reuse in the Baltic Sea region through capacity building at the local level.

The first day of the WaterMan project was devoted to a study visit to Kalundborg. The project partners visited the 'Kalundborg Symbiosis', which deals with the treatment of water used, among other things, in industry. It is a consortium of sixteen public and private companies, established back in the 1970s, which developed the world's first industrial symbiosis with a circular approach to production. The core principle of Kalundborg Symbiosis is to create partnerships locally to share and reuse resources, thus saving water. Symbiosis creates growth in the local community and supports green transformation.
At the site we visited, we were able to see the test system, made as part of the ULTIMATE project pilot. The treatment plant produces very good quality water, which is used to cool the machinery. We were given a tour of the Kalundborg Utility Team's facility, where experts were waiting for us, ready to provide any information related to the topic at hand.

The second day in Denmark was devoted to the work on the WaterMan project pilots. The project partners implementing these pilots presented the stage they are at and presented the next steps planned. The aim of the partner and expert review was to provide feedback to the WaterMan partners on their plans and considerations, i.e. prior to the implementation of investments related to the pilot activities. Experts from each country evaluated the selected solutions and advised on opportunities to improve the pilot.

It should be added that the activities of the WaterMan project, in addition to carrying out pilots, are also related to spreading the idea of promoting water reuse methods.