Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

WaterMantl-ne News English pll_64ba425becbb2 WaterMan
WaterMan - online meeting
On July 19, another online meeting was held with the participation of Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic. This time around, the work concerned project activities in the WaterMan project. The project partners connected on the online platform to discuss the progress of the project activities and the status of preparations for the physical meeting of the partners in Kalundborg.
As a reminder, the ongoing WaterMan project promotes water reuse in the Baltic Sea region. In doing so, it adds a new element to water management that can make water supplies more climate-resilient. The key actors in water reuse are local authorities and water utilities for whom WaterMan is a provider of knowledge and tools to develop strategic approaches and implement concrete measures that will put water reuse into practice.
Funding program for project activities: Interreg Baltic Sea Region.