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WaterMantl-ne News English pll_6580171d8510d WaterMan
Waterman - multilateral meeting in Braniewo
Despite the winter season and the approaching Christmas, the activities of the Interreg BSR Waterman project are going on at best, and the Polish side is still carrying out intensive investment and planning work for the completion of the project's pilot investments in the City of Braniewo.
On 13 December 2023, a dedicated multi-stakeholder meeting took place in Braniewo, constituting another meeting of organisations involved and interested in the rational use of water resources and its efficient management.
The event was attended by representatives of:
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Gdańskie Wody Sp. z o.o.
Braniewo Town Hall
Wodociągi Miejskie w Braniewie Sp. z o.o.
One of the main topics of the meeting was the reuse of water from the public swimming pool to irrigate nearby sports fields and use the reclaimed water for local residents. Ongoing research by a scientific institution was discussed, including new samples taken and a detailed analysis of the water improvement and treatment technology planned for use. In addition to this, the following topics were discussed: water reuse to mitigate the impact of climate change on water supply on a local and regional scale; the issue of how the extreme wather layer tool designed and developed in Braniewo can be used for methodological advice in the development of integrated local water reuse strategies (including reuse of treated water, recirculation of retained water, increasing consumer and stakeholder acceptance); and the topic of knowledge and technological opportunities on water reuse measures and related legislation.