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Warmia-Masury inspirations of the ENGAGE! - workshops finished!
Today saw the final workshop of the ENGAGE! addressed to non-governmental organisations from the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. This activity was one of 8 realised in the project, 4 for Pomerania and 4 for Warmia and Mazury. Their aim was to raise awareness of undertaking international activities and knowledge of possible sources of funding for local initiatives, improve skills in developing cross-border cooperation, acquire practical knowledge related to the creation of project concepts and partnerships, and familiarise themselves with innovative tools enabling them to work more creatively.

Participants had the opportunity to:
- gain inspiration and share their ideas for implementing international activities;
- connect with regional and international stakeholders in the Polish-Norwegian network initiated as part of the ENGAGE!;
- expand their activities with new and improved cooperation opportunities during our matchmaking session and in our partner market;
- turn common adversities into opportunities and possibilities for co-operation within various programmes and competitions

The workshop was attended by new organisations that had not previously benefited from ENGAGE!
The essence of the meeting was the practical part aimed at pooling potentials. Projects that require the inclusion of further partners were presented so that the representatives present could find a suitable topic for their organisations.
In addition to the knowledge imparted to the participants, we involved everyone in a lively discussion about their needs, expectations and project experiences. We had the opportunity to present the opportunities offered by the project and encourage international cooperation on the basis of European funds. Together, we went through the most important points contained in the applications for aid programmes.

The power always lies in learning together!
We also hosted organisations that had benefited from the assistance of the International Cooperation Advice Bureau working on the ENGAGE project! These organisations were included in project consortia and are today implementing their first projects with foreign partners.
By working with us, NGOs also have the opportunity to meet foreign partners working in a wide range of thematic areas.
We encourage you to contact us!