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Two-day Green Retention Conference - Gdańsk, Wyspa Sobieszewska

We would like to remind you about the "Green Retention" Conference, which will be held in Gdansk Sobieszewo, June 14-16, 2023, at the Orle Hotel.

Participants in the event will have access to the latest knowledge on: economic and ecological ways to relieve pressure on the combined sewer system; information on EU funding (Specialists from the Ministry of the Environment and the Institute of Environmental Protection will teach how to effectively take advantage of the Phoenix program); restoration and protection of wetlands in cities; ways to develop greenery for the treatment and storage of rainwater used in Polish cities; and the effectiveness of green retention.

The conference will include plenary sessions, panel discussions, workshops (including green retention facility design and hydrodynamic modeling) and field walks. The topics discussed will focus on real-life examples, using good practices and success stories. The historical background of the issue will also be discussed, as well as difficulties that arise during the implementation of green-blue infrastructure.

Among the speakers will be representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate, Polish Waters, the Institute of Environmental Protection, the Chamber of Commerce Polish Waterworks, Gdansk Waters, Aquanet Retention, KEGW, Gdansk Board of Roads and Greenery, Krakow University of Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, City of Krakow Waterworks, Aquanet S.A, Gdansk City Development Bureau, CIC Law Office, Wroclaw City Hall, Gdansk City Hall and other top industry experts.

The organizers of the event have planned a number of attractions for the participants, including a trip to the Bird Paradise Reserve and through the rain gardens.

For more information on the conference, please visit:

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