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Creative Clusterstl-ne Creative Clusters News Projects English pll_628f80b20ba27 Creative Clusters
Training "Visual and design thinking in the work of an educator and culture trainer - practical tools and exercises stimulating creativity and innovation in cultural institutions"
On April 20 and 21, a training was held for people representing units and institutions of the cultural sector. The training was one of the activities of the Creative Clusters project implemented under the South Baltic Interreg Program.
During the first day, there was a substantive part, where the participants got acquainted with the methodology of visual thinking. They learned about the influence of visual thinking on creativity and effective learning. They deepened techniques such as sketchnoting, graphic recording and got to know the bank of icons that can be used to work with the band. Apart from the theory, the participants tested their new skills in a practical way.

During the second day, the participants delved into the topic of Design Thinking. In practice, they tested the essence of "question thinking" and how it influences creativity and the ability to solve problems / challenges.
As part of the meeting, the invited representatives of cultural institutions could test the consultation offer prepared under the project.