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Think Global, Act Local - project partner meeting
The next Think Global, Act Local project partners' meeting took place online on 25.10.2022.
The meeting was about discussing the four most relevant issues related to the project's activities. These included:
- The current situation
- Preparation for the meeting in Greece (7-10 November 2022)
- Technical reporting requirements after event implementation
- Other issues

- The Association's representative Mr Marcin Żuchowski summarised the event organised by the Association in September. He thanked the participants for their participation and involvement during the workshop work on the questionnaire. The project leader also thanked the staff of the Association for the preparation of the meeting, which was the first physical meeting for the whole project consortium.
- The Greek partner reminded the participants to register for the meeting in order to technically fine-tune the event.
- The project leader discussed how to prepare the report after the organised event. He sent information to the partners regarding the Event Description Sheet, which is a mandatory document to be filled in for each partner after the in-country event. This document is a confirmation to the controlling bodies that the meeting took place as planned and any unforeseen situations were described in it.
- The time spent on other issues concerned the preparation of the project website, for which the project leader is responsible. However, due to its extensive experience, the Association will support the project leader in developing the website. The website will present the project and programme highlights. In addition, it will contain information about the project partners and activities.