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The third workshop within the project Think Global, Act Local - Italy
The workshop of the Think Global, Act Local project took place in the Italian city of Gambassi Terme on February 7-8, 2023. The aim was to deepening cooperation between the authorities and residents, but also at presenting local conditions related to the promotion of tourism by the city authorities of Gambassi Terme.

Participants representing the Association during the workshop: Mayor of the City and Commune of Sztum, Mayor of the City and Commune of Tolkmicko, Mayor of Olsztynek and Mayor of the Górowo Iławeckie Commune.

The guests were welcomed by the Mayor of Gambassi Terme and learned more about the city and the region. The partner from Italy talked about local conditions and how they work to promote the region and local entrepreneurs.

During the trip, there were study visits to the museum, primary school and local tourist sites. Participants could get to know the realities of the everyday life of a Gambassi Terme resident.

Besides study visits, workshops were held during which participants, divided into national groups, worked on a document related to the strategy of promoting tourism and the region. After preparing the preliminary points, they were presented to the rest of the participants. In addition, there was a meeting with the inhabitants of the city, who told from their perspective how the promotion of the region looks like, how it can be improved and obtained some ideas for better promotion of tourism.

The project "Think Global, Act Local: (July 1, 2022 » December 31, 2023) implemented as part of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV), Citizens network / Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV), Network of Towns.