Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Engage!tl-ne Engage! News Projects English pll_637f1e0a6c9ba Engage!
The ENGAGE! project helps the internationalisation processes of organisations
An intensive 2 months of supporting various actors in building international partnerships are behind us. The deadline for submitting projects within the Interreg South Baltic Seed Money programme ended yesterday. This is a competition that allows you to win seed funding of €40,000 to develop cooperation with foreign partners in the South Baltic area.
Organisations that approached us as part of the International Cooperation Advice Bureau operating under the ENGAGE project received comprehensive support. A thorough project analysis took place, we verified needs, defined the profile of foreign partners and proceeded to build. That, in a nutshell, was the work of developing seed project proposals.
In the end, 6 applications were submitted and in each there is a present organisation working with the advice bureau and these are:
- Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa Miasto is present in 3 projects of different themes
- Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Spółdzielczości i Przedsiębiorczości Lokalnej WAMA-COOP
- Centrum Spotkań Europejskich Światowid
- Stowarzyszenie Media Dizajn is present in 2 projects of different themes
- Stowarzyszenie gmin "Polskie zamki gotyckie"
- Niepubliczna Placówka Oświatowo-Wychowawcza Akademia Sportów Wodnych "Grupa" Marcin Trudnowski
The results of the call will be known in February 2023.
We wish all the beneficieries of the ENGAGE! project to receive funding and implement their projects!