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Creative Clusterstl-ne Creative Clusters News Projects English pll_62c578e3af54d Creative Clusters
The CREATIVE CLUSTERS project invites you for the VI International Creative Congress
Dear All! We invite you to an extremely creative event as part of the Creative Clusters project, the leader of which is the Media Dizajn Association from Szczecin, in partnership with our Association and the Hanseatic City of Rostock (Germany), the Rietavas Tourist and Business Information Center (Lithuania) public institution, and the Women's Employment Center Association Rietavas (Lithuania) and the Kreativum Science Center (Sweden). The event is the VI International Creative Design Plus Congress, which will be held in Szczecin on June 9-10 this year. The program of this event promises to be extremely interesting and the organizers - Stowarzyszenie Media Dizajn and Westpomeranian Marshal Office write about it:
"Inspirational meetings, workshops, talks about the creative sector ... We will meet in Szczecin for the sixth time to reflect on the condition of the creative sectors, talk about the economy based on innovative solutions and activities changing the world for the better".
We read further:
"This year, the VI International Creative Design Plus Congress is an accompanying event of the New European Bauhaus Festival. The festival gathers citizens from all walks of life who discuss and shape our future landscape. It is an opportunity to learn about the values of the New European Bauhaus, such beauty, sustainable development and community, and their ability to take on social challenges. The first edition of the Festival will include exhibitions, art performances, conferences, seminars and other meetings, combining live events with an online virtual element. "
Come and see what will happen in Szczecin live! PROGRAMM
And if you can't, visit this online event Facebook
The Creative Clusters project is co-financed by the South Baltic Interreg program.