Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Think Global, Act Localtl-ne Think Global, Act local English pll_6512ad3161e87 Think Global, Act Local
TGAL - first day of study visit in Poland
The Tink Global Act Local project is a pilot project bringing together cities and municipalities from five European countries - Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain and Poland - with the aim of involving their citizens more effectively in the life of their communities, while creating a sustainable strategy for cooperation and exchange of good practice at EU level.
Today we welcomed delegations from Spain, Romania, Italy and Greece to Elbląg. The official part of the meeting took place in the Elbląg Townhouses. Our guests had the opportunity to learn more about the history, the idea of international cooperation and future initiatives of Elbląg. Each partner then took the floor, presenting the priorities of their own local policy.

After the official part, the group went to the Elbląg Library to see the exhibition entitled Elkamera - Interactive Exhibition of Old Books and Newspapers. During a walk through the exhibition, located in the basement of the building, one could see the Gutenberg press up close, learn about the origins and history of the development of printing and the creation of books. We listened to the history of the establishment of the grammar school in Elbląg, learned about the rich history of the hospital buildings and the history of the Elbląg Canal. We also had the opportunity to familiarise ourselves with the historic book collections.

After the visit to the library, we visited the Elbląg Technology Park, where a presentation was given on the activities of the Park, the role of the institution for local entrepreneurs, scientists and everyone from the wider business and science environment. The offer for entrepreneurs was presented. We were also able to find out how the Elbląg Technology Park supports Start-ups and facilitates investors' activities. After the theoretical part, we went to the ETP lab to learn about the details of the work.

Then we went to the Grupa Wodna marina, where attractions awaited our guests in the form of a mini canoe trip and a tour of the Elbląg riverfront on the Pomeranka boat. We learned about the brief history of the Schihau factory, saw the historic crane and admired the beauty of the surroundings from the position of the water. We also travelled along the waterway by motorboat towards the Vistula Lagoon, where our partners had the opportunity to see with their own eyes the beauty of the flora and fauna of Elbląg and the surrounding area.

Tomorrow we will spend the day introducing our guests to the activities of the municipalities and residents in Górowo Iławeckie, Bartág and Olsztynek.