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Task Force - 14-15.02.2024
The International Task Force on Climate Change and the Green Transition met physically in Vaxjo on February 14-15, 2024. The meeting was combined with a meeting of the presidium of the Euroregion Baltic network.
On the first day, participants had the opportunity to take part in a study visit to the biogas plant in Alvesta - AlvestaBiogas, where they learned how to produce biomethane for both individual and collective communication purposes. Biogas is currently the most environmentally friendly fuel because it has the lowest levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions on the market. Additionally, collecting biomatter from farms positively contributes to reducing nitrogen emissions.

The next place was a study visit to the Vaxjo City Hall, where a meeting of representatives of the Euroregion Baltic network took place. During the meeting, the city representative presented a project which they are dealing with. The project concerns biodiversity in the city. Mrs. Sofia Gustavsson presented a project implemented under the Interreg North Sea program, where the Vaxjo Commune aims to integrate biodiversity and use nature-based solutions. As part of the project, residents were to be involved in dialogue, workshops and various activities.

The second group held a Task Force meeting. They talked about new project ideas which considered:
- Efficiency in the district heating system (low-temperature system, electricity renovation, communities in the heating)
- Agrivoltaic solar
- Network for leaders of transitions (working on good examples, and social changes)
- Seminar series on different topics (we can invite people from municipalities

The second day was devoted to workshop work. The Task Force continued discussions related to several topics of joint work. Representatives of the City and Commune of Sztum and the Gdańsk University of Technology took part in the meeting, thanks to which it was possible to consider the problems occurring in the city in terms of transport and energy.

A meeting of the Presidium of the Baltic Euroregion was held, during which the documents and joint activities previously developed by the group were presented to the members of network.

Meeting participants received a project leaflet.