Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Sztum Circular Economytl-ne Bez kategorii English pll_637f235b2fec3 Sztum Circular Economy
SZTUM CIRCULAR ECONOMY - networking with international and national specialists, 8-9.12.2022, Olsztyn
Ladies and Gentlemen The President of the Euroregion Baltic, Mr. Gustaw Marek Brzezin and the partners of the ARTUM CIRCULAR ECONOMY (SCE) project would like to invite you to the ANNUAL FORUM OF INTEREST OF THE BALTIC EUROREGION, which will be held on 8 December this year in Olsztyn. Experts and representatives of local authorities from Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden have announced their participation in this event.

The event will be held within the framework of the SCE action entitled 'Building political anchorage in the Baltic Sea area for actions based on the use of GOZ processes to mitigate the negative effects of climate change'.
If you are interested:
- increasing the cooperation capacity of local actors in the Northern Poland area with partners from the Baltic Region and partners from Norway, Iceland;
- improving the cooperation capacity of local organisations through their participation in international and cross-border networks;
- an increase in the level of knowledge and innovation of local actors through a clear internationalisation of their activities;
- an increase in the ability to develop cooperation in the field of green and blue growth and pro-environmental activities, the development of joint projects, innovation potential and intercultural dialogue among stakeholders through the exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge in the framework of joint conferences combined with workshops for national and foreign partners.
Venue: OMEGA Hotel, 4a Sielska Street, Olsztyn
Meeting times: 8 December 2022 (ANNUAL FORUM), 9 December 2022 (project meetings) - final agenda coming soon
Participation: Open admission - pre-registration required REGISTRATION LINK
This action takes advantage of the opportunities offered by the Euroregion Baltic's international network - bringing together regions from Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania - combined with the organisation of a conference section dedicated to GOZ and climate change adaptation (including blue and green growth) and joint dialogue, and the possibility to create new project initiatives.
The ANNUAL FORUM is one of three international meetings of the SCE project, which aims to strive to strengthen the processes of internationalisation of activities and cross-sectoral dialogue in the Baltic Sea area in the field of GOZ.