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Sztum Circular Economytl-ne News Sztum Circular Economy English pll_662626842a48f Sztum Circular Economy

Sztum Circular Economy Final Conference - Day 2

Yesterday, we concluded the two-day conference that wrapped up the "Sztum Circular Economy - a Response to Contemporary Climate Challenges" project, which we have been implementing since February 2022. To commemorate this, we visited Sztum, the place where the project officially began. Representatives from the consortium spoke about the project's implementation, showcasing the results of two years of work to the attendees. The participants also had the opportunity to visit key sites strategically linked to the concept of the circular economy, including the Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point in Sztumskie Pole and the Circular Station "Second Chance," both projects completed as part of the Sztum Circular Economy initiative. Additionally, they visited the Sztum Solar Energy Park, which serves as a hallmark of the Sztum Municipality's energy self-sufficiency.

Just before the conference started, we also had the opportunity to support the youth from the Sztum municipality and city (who were invited to workshops as part of the project's activities) in learning how to create project concept notes.

We also invite you to read the short interviews located under the photo gallery.

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