Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

WaterMantl-ne News WaterMan English pll_65f99f0cbca9f WaterMan
Study visit to Klaipeda - day 1
We have started a study visit of the WaterMan project, which is taking place in Lithuania. Today we worked in Klaipeda, where a meeting of project partners is taking place. After a brief introduction to the resources of the laboratory at Klaipeda University's Marine Research Institute and a review of the status of project activities, today's day was devoted to workshop work in the world café format, where we worked on thematic areas related to promotion, dissemination and raising awareness of water reuse. As part of the work undertaken, we identified target groups, instruments and tools for disseminating information promoting water reuse in the Baltic Sea region. Tomorrow's day will be devoted to visiting sites where the WaterMan project's pilot activities are being implemented.
The assumptions and a brief description of the project can be found at the link: