Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

SCONEtl-ne News SCONE English pll_66840833d2c22 SCONE

SCONE - kick-off conference

The launch of the SCONE project - Collaborative Network for Sustainable Development in the South Baltic took place today. The launch conference was held online. The project consortium met to officially inaugurate the project launch. Each partner presented their organisation, their involvement in the project and their activities related to future activities. We also listened to a short presentation related to the Interreg South Baltic administrative guidelines.

Our association in the project is PP6
The APC ERB work package will include strengthening capacities for cooperation in education for sustainable development. It aims to strengthen collaborative capacity among secondary school teachers and teacher training colleges, focusing on ESD as a teaching practice. It also aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively guide and support students in understanding and addressing sustainability challenges.

The Association's activities in the project will include:

  • Preparation of online workshops in close cooperation with partners. Topics will be based on teachers' enquiries, but may include ESD as a teaching practice, cross-border cooperation, cooperation with other actors such as civil society organisations (CSOs), psychological impact of climate change, mitigation, green transition, closed-loop economy, etc.
  • Networking between participating teachers. The participating teachers will form a network and contact information will be shared between participants, enabling cooperation and communication between countries. The results of the project will be disseminated in various forums to which the partners have access, e.g. Euroregion Baltic, Erasmus+ network, municipal and regional bodies, etc.
  • Guide on Education for Sustainability leading to a MOOC-type online course - Development of a guide on Education for Sustainability for teachers based on the research in WP5 and other materials from the project. The guide will take the form of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and will be taught in English. As part of the MOOC, enrolled students will be encouraged to share experiences and discuss online. UCA will provide technical expertise on MOOCs.

The Work Package aims to empower teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their practice, promoting collaboration and an informed approach to addressing sustainability challenges in the education sector. In addition, an online MOOC course on ESD is being developed.


A program co-financing activities under the project.: Interreg South Baltic

Project Partners:CELF (DK) - lider
Centre for school and Learning, University College Absalon (DK)
Chair for Business Economics and Entrepreneurship education, University of Rostock (DE)
Rietavas Laurynas Ivinski Gymnasium (LT)
Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre (LT)
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic (PL)

You can read more about the project on our website:

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