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SB Nudgingtl-ne News Projects SB Nudging English pll_628b5f45cf45a SB Nudging
SB Nudging Project - important partner meeting - 23.05.2022
During today's online meeting, the SB Nudging project consortium (Polish-Lithuanian-German led by partners from Sweden) focused mainly on planning and had the opportunity to discuss the agenda of the upcoming workshop for future coalition partners in June in Kristianstad, Sweden.
It will be an open meeting and will be held on June 22-23 for all types of interested beneficiaries who would like to test and implement nudging activities in their local environment (including residents, tourists, environmental specialists) aiming to reduce the amount of arising and commonly flooding our areas trash in the Baltic Sea areas (especially in high season).
As part of this event, participants will create the foundations for a new project proposal aimed at introducing Nudging / Demonstrating a "push tool" in sensitive areas, determining its effectiveness as a complementary / alternative method to the existing environmental and ecological awareness activities. The aim will also be to develop a site-specific nugding strategy in sensitive areas.
Definition of nudging: the power of persuasion - the use of behavioral economics and architecture of choice in local government environmental policy.
How to understand it? Nudging is increasing the influence on behavior and choosing the easiest cognitive path for the participant, in this case forcing specific pro-environmental and pro-ecological behavior. It is a way of building an incentive for a person subject to its influence based on developed systems of incentives and persuasion. Nudging / Poking takes away the decision and influences the subconscious correct choices. It can be a trick, a game or a challenge depending on the form chosen. Contrary to awareness-raising campaigns focused on information or knowledge, here we are dealing rather with subconsciously persuading the target group to behave in a specific way. The brain does not have to think, it has to act in a targeted manner, ensuring better results of actions aimed at reducing the amount of rubbish and cluttering the given locations.

Looking at the possibilities of partners, we can divide into 2 or 3 main categories to which we are looking for partners in the country and abroad:
• Coastal areas - Beaches (including: tourist offices, waste management companies, sports centers, municipalities, tourism and food business)
• Nature - Main inland areas: forest areas, ecologically valuable areas, i.e. lakes, rivers, uplands, trails, bicycle and bicycle paths (including: waste management companies, local authorities, tourist offices, local NGO dealing with environmental protection and forest management, such as parks, forests)
• Culture - public roots, historical and cultural attractions) - (including local authorities, museums, community centers, open-air museums, historical institutions, tourism and the food industry)
If you are interested in the project - please contact the Association's office to discuss the details!