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SB Nudgingtl-ne News Projects SB Nudging English pll_62c7f75288cac SB Nudging
SB Nudging - National workshop to identify how polish municipalities want to work with nudging in regular project
As part of the activity related to the organization of the national workshop and individual consultations, on 7 July 2022 took place meeting with the future partner of the regular project from the City of Malbork. During the brainstorming session and joint talks, the ideas of Malbork's representatives and additional ideas and possibilities of activities in the project were presented by the Association's representatives who were after the meeting with the partners of the seed money project.
Actions proposed by the City of Malbork:
1. Analysis of the type of garbage - research. Study visits of representatives of the authorities and people responsible for sorting rubbish in Malbork
2. Collecting plastic by residents and schools (processing into installations and furniture printed in 3D)
3. Conducting classes for children in schools and association research
4. Segregation of garbage in public places based on intuitive garbage cans printed from plastic using the 3D method
5. Changing the city's policy to be more "eco"
6. Notifications about organized actions in the "Blisko" application
7. Challenge actions to encourage residents
The city of Malbork in the SB Nudging project will try to operate in the area of culture as well as tourist and bicycle paths. It is a proposal of both the Association and the City of Malbork to combine these two sectors, which in the case of the city can be combined.