Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News Projects English pll_62c81263cf3cf Aktywny Kreatywny
Results of the third call for proposals for Action II "Improving access to culture and the arts" under the Culture Program financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the state budget
The evaluation of applications submitted as part of the third call for proposals for Action 2 "Improving access to culture and the arts" of the Culture Program financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the state budget has ended. By the decision of Mr Prime Minister Prof. Piotr Gliński, 17 projects were awarded funding to the amount of EUR 4.5 million, which exhausts the entire allocation for the competition, as well as the savings available under the Program.
A total of 71 projects qualified for substantive evaluation in the competition and were evaluated by Polish and Norwegian experts. The recommendation was given to the 17 highest-rated projects. Projects on the reserve list will be eligible for funding if additional funds are available.
The Association took part in the call together with the leader Media Dizajn Association and the Norwegian partner International Development Norway. Of the 17 funded projects, the Association's project AkTYwny KreaTYwny - Stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship took 6th place.
The AkTYwny KreaTywny project - Stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship, aims to raise business and entrepreneurial competencies among representatives of the creative sector from Poland and Norway, internationalize their achievements, build cooperation networks, and create favourable conditions for the establishment and development of creative sector organizations. In preparing the concept of the project, the bidders were guided by the goals and needs defined in national and EU strategies, as well as consultations conducted with organizations operating in the creative sector and existing business, academic and administrative partner
Within the framework of cooperation with our member municipalities, the associated partners who will be involved in the activities are:
- Cultural Center in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
- Art Center Galerai El - Elbląg
- Municipal Cultural Center - Dzierzgoń