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Green uptl-ne Green up. News Projects English pll_62d6b641d5134 Green up
Results of Active Citizens, Regional Fund competition
The results of the second call for thematic projects under the Active Citizens - Regional Fund Program were published today. 311 applications in the path for large grants and 302 applications in the path for small grants qualified for substantive evaluation. The Executive Committee, after reviewing the recommendations of the Selection Committee, decided to award grants for the implementation of 102 projects: 72 large and 30 small.
The total amount of funds allocated for the implementation of project activities is 6,623,535.40 euros. Of this amount, €1,807,398.70 will be allocated to projects in Area 1 (Protection of Human Rights), €1,950,859.17 to projects in Area 2 (Action for Social Diversity and Countering Exclusion), and €2,865,277.53 to projects in Area 3 (Building Democratic Culture and Civic Engagement at the Local Level).
In addition, we have allocated 1,056,486.37 euros for the implementation of institutional development plans (Area 4. Support for the development of the social sector), and another 167,368.33 euros are reserved for Grantees whose development plans require modification.
The results of the competition can be found on the program website:
One of the projects that received funding is "Green up". It was prepared in partnership of the Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Poland Euroregion Baltic, Association "WAMA-COOP", Elblag Technology Park and Norwegian partner FONIX AS.
LOCALITIES" was prepared in thematic area No. 3. "Building democratic culture and civic engagement at the local level."
The "Green Up" project involves 3 social partners (2 PL and 1 NO), 1 business environment institution (ETP), 3 local government units and 9 educational institutions in activities pro-environmental activities through:
- Activation of regional civic and social involvement based on organisations of the 3rd sector and related entities working for the benefit of the younger generation in the region of Warmia and Mazury and Pomerania;
- Internationalization of activities and entrepreneurial attitudes of social organizations,
civic and self-governmental organizations and increase their competence to work with young people in the field of green and blue growth (pro-climate actions) and to counteract their negative effects; - Developing a long-term ecological strategy, pro-environmental activities of the young generation in peripheral regions;
- Creation of a regional platform for cooperation and multi-stakeholder dialogue (NGOs, local government units, schools, youth) for the benefit of local communities and environmental protection;
- School as a living laboratory of change - inclusion of local communities in the life of the school, in environmental education and in environmental activities.
- Creating new solutions to existing problems and challenges;
"Green UP" is also to increase civic engagement and the practical influence of young people on local decisions and changes in schools (9) in 3 TSUs (at school and municipality)
Schools from Bągart, Braniewo, Bruk, Dzierzgon and Nowe Miasto Lubawskie will be included in the project activities. In addition, we will cooperate with the Municipality of Braniewo, the Municipality and City of Dzierzgon and the Municipality of Nowe Miasto Lubawskie.