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Public speaking training "Amazing speaker" - Active Creative project - day 2
The two-day 'Amazing Speaker' public speaking training is behind us. Today we had the opportunity to take away further valuable lessons on how to be an original, interesting and substantively prepared speaker in order to captivate the audience with your speech and remain in the audience's memory for a long time. In the first part of the day, we learnt about the different styles of presentation, the specifics of our audience and how to interact with each type of audience, body language and the specifics of individual gestures, as well as issues relating to conscious movement on stage. We also learned about techniques for answering questions, as well as the principles of voice work. In the second part of the training, the focus was on the presentations of the participants, who, after taking all the hints and tips into account the second time around, performed decidedly more professionally. We would like to thank Magdalena Prech for conducting an inspiring and content-rich training.