SB Nudging

2022-04-01 » 2022-07-31

Nudging in the South Baltic Region

A program co-financing activities under the project.: Interreg South Baltic
Project Partners: - EU-office Skåne Northeast (Leader),
- Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic,
- Gdyńskie Centrum Sportu,
- Public Institution Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre,
- EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany

Project related events

SB NUDGING - Kick-off Conference of the project, online, 22.04.2022

More than 20 participants from 3 countries took an active part in the project kick-off and launch of a new […]

Nudging in the South Baltic Region

Working with measures within the tool "nudging", which reduces waste and litter at tourist destinations and make them more environmental sustainable. Tourists and visitors have gained an understanding and they are more aware of the sustainable environment. Results: Tourists, visitors and inhabitants have changed their behaviour when they are visiting nature and tourist destinations in the South Baltic Region so less litter and waste are in nature. A better understanding has been created among the target group about sustainable environment. The tool nudging has been developed so it is easy for visitors to learn about waste disposal and counter bad habits. Positive environmental results for tourist destinations in the South Baltic Region. Lead partner Eu Office Skåne North East has together with the project partners during the programme period 2014-2020 implemented a capacity-building project "SB PIN" in the Interreg South Baltic Programme. In the programme period 2021-2027, we want to continue and deepen the cooperation between project partners to create a sustainable South Baltic Region.


Project area: working to change people's activities to reduce the amount of waste and litter in tourist sites, thereby contributing to the improvement of a sustainable environment.
Project scope: South Baltic area
The role of STG ERB: Partner with own budget
Co-financing rate 85%
Project budget: 40.000 EUR
STG ERB budget: 6.000 EUR
Project consortium: 1 partner from Sweden, 2 partners from Poland, 1 partner from Lithuania, 1 partner from Germany

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