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WaterMantl-ne News Projects WaterMan English pll_63e63ba8d3299 WaterMan
Pre- kick-off of the WaterMan project, January 20, 2023, online
Leader of the Waterman project, Kalmar Region, launched the project on January 20, 2023. For the time being in online form due to the necessary discussion of important issues for the project. The project will last 3 years and its activities also include carrying out pilot activities at the various project locations. Whereas, an official ceremony will be held in Kalmar to launch the project with the participation of representatives from all project partners.
The project partners are from 6 countries in the Baltic Sea Region:
SWEDEN: Region Kalmar County (Lider); Kalmar Municipality; Kalmar Water; Vastervik Municipality
POLAND: Municipality of Braniewo; Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic; Gdansk University of Technology; Chamber of Commerce "Polish Waterworks"
DENMARK: Bornholms Water A/S; Bornholms Wastewater A/S
LITHUANIA: Association "Klaipeda Region"; Administration of Klaipėda; Klaipeda University; Kurzeme planning region; Saldus Municipality
DENMARK: Berlin Centre of Competence for gGmbH
ESTONIA: associated partner - Estonian Waterworks Association

The online meeting was attended by 32 representatives of the project partners.
Tobias Facchini, representative of the leader, spoke about important for partners issues, such as focus on legislative and administrative requirements, the BAMOS+ electronic billing system, reporting periods and necessary documentation, the launch of the project website, communication and information tools for visibility requirements for both the project and the program, as well as compliance with public procurement in cases of pilot activities and others.
The leader announced about the signing of the subsidy contract, which he will send out to all partners.
He also announced to reserve in the calendars the date of the official launch of the project, which will take place in Sweden, in the capital of the region, Kalmar, on March 14-16, 2023.
The main goal of the project is to reuse water - from the point of view of water management, this is a novel approach of a transnational nature.