Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative English pll_64edb5c0d67d3 Aktywny Kreatywny
Planning and writing international projects - training
A training course entitled 'Planning and writing international projects' was held last weekend. The training was held in a stationary format. The first part took place at the headquarters of our Association, then the participants were hosted within the walls of the Cyprian Norwid Elbląg Library.
The course was devoted to topics related to the creation of international projects and all the important aspects related to planning and writing the above. Also discussed were ways of jointly writing projects, developing dedicated localities and their inhabitants. Participants in the training represented municipal units dealing with culture, tourism and history.
The training took place as part of the project 'AkTYwny KreaTYwny - stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship'. Together we are working towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.