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Open call in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme
Interreg Baltic Sea Region is opening another call for pto-project proposals for, among other things, the introduction of innovative, smart and climate-neutral water and climate solutions that benefit the population. The programme allows to develop and apply its solutions transnationally in the regions around the Baltic Sea, but above all it supports real action.
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme offers EU funding for organisations to connect and work as if there were no borders. In addition to funding, the Programme creates an environment for cooperation across borders so that solutions become common practice.
The programme is divided into two types of projects: major and minor, which have a different timetable for developing and submitting project applications

Core Projects
Core projects are an essential tool for bringing about the changes that the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme seeks to achieve. All core projects are required to prepare, pilot and transfer practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by the beneficiaries. These challenges must correspond to one of the Programme objectives under the priorities Innovative societies, Water smart societies or Climate neutral societies.
The main results of the core project are the increased capacity of the target groups to deal with the defined challenges. The target groups are organisations that have the competence to influence the challenges and are interested in these solutions. Hence, reaching the target groups and involving them in the solution preparation, piloting and transfer are crucial for the success of the main projects.

The core projects focus on:
- practical and sustainable results
- solutions to key problems
- pilots
The partnership must consist of at least three organisations from countries in the programme area. The project duration is a maximum of 36 months. The programme imposes no restrictions on the minimum and maximum budget of the project.
The call runs from 20 October 2022 to 14 February 2023 (PIF submission), while the call will close on 14 March 2023.
Small projects
Small projects are intended to facilitate access to the Programme, especially for those partners who have not previously participated in the Programme. Applying for and implementing a small project is much simpler compared to major projects. For example, the budget of a small project is smaller than that of a regular project. The work plan consists of one work package and can be implemented by small partnerships.
In small projects, partners are encouraged to develop practical and sustainable results and solutions to challenges in the region. These challenges must correspond to one of the objectives of the Programme. Small projects should increase the capacity of the target groups to deal with the identified challenges during and after the project. In small projects, the development of solutions is not mandatory. However, activities must go beyond pure networking and knowledge exchange.

Small projects focus on:
easier access to build trust, maintain networks, stay closer to residents, respond to unforeseen challenges
For small projects, the partnership must be composed of a minimum of 3 countries from the Programme area. Projects can have a maximum duration of 24 months, with a maximum budget of EUR 500,000 per project.
The call runs from 20 October 2022 to 5 January 2023 (PIF submission), while the call will close on 26 February 2023.
More information about the programme and the call in the link below: