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Online partnership meeting Think global, Act local 7.09.2022
The Think global, Act local project partners met today to discuss current project matters. Among other things, these included issues concerning the next two meetings organised by the Association in Elbląg and DIMOS AGION ANARGIRON-KAMATEROU in Greece.

The first meeting in Elbląg will take place on 28-29.09.2022, to which representatives of our member municipalities are invited. The project aims to strengthen direct contacts between citizens and authorities from the consortium countries, the exchange of good practices and a transnational brainstorming and consultation process to strengthen the sense of belonging and awareness of the European family. It is a pilot project that brings together towns and municipalities from 5 EU countries (Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain and Poland) in order to, better involve their citizens in the life of their communities, while creating a sustainable strategy for cooperation and exchange of good practices at EU level.
The aim of the event is to create a survey for local residents to show their availability to get involved in their local community. The meeting in Elbląg is particularly important as partners and invited participants will have the opportunity to get to know each other and the situation regarding cooperation between authorities and residents and their involvement in the life of the local community. Out of work on the survey participants will take part in local study visits, which will introduce foreign participants to the culture and tourism of our region. Details of the agenda will be sent later and interested parties are invited to contact us.
The final work of the survey will take place at the next meeting, this time with the partner from Greece, which is planned for early November.