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Nursecoast IItl-ne News Nursecoast-II Projects English pll_63e9eb9b068f2 Nursecoast II
Nursecoast II - project Kick-off, online, February 2nd and 7th, 2023
The two-day conference marked the beginning of the NURSECOAST II project, whose activities involve extensive international partnerships. The leader of the project is the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk, which is the main originator of the entire project.
The project partners:
- Robert Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) (Leader, Poland)
- Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Finland)
- SYKLI Environmental School of Finland (Finland)
- Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association (Finland)
- Aalborg Univesity (Denmark)
- Fundacja Wspólnoty Burego Misia im. Bogdana Jańskiego (Poland)
- Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (Estonia)
- Jurmala Udens Water Utility (Latvia)
- Municipality of Söderhamn (Sweden)
- Municipality of Ingå (Finland)
- Urząd Gminy Smołdzino (Poland)
- JSC Neringa water (Lithuania)
- Ecovillage Egeskoven (Denmark)
- NK forsyning A/S (Denmark)
- Stowarzyszenie Gmin RP Euroregion Bałtyk (Poland)
- EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany (Germany)
The meeting was divided into 2 days, during which the various components of the project, its scope of substantive activities and planned pilots were discussed. Based on the jointly developed methodological framework, each model region will develop a local strategy for pilot investments. Along with these strategies, exemplary and complementary pilot wastewater treatment activities will be carried out.

Participating municipalities and water companies from other countries, as well as expert experts from inside and outside the partnership, will bring their experiences to the development of each model strategy and pilot action. In this way, they will be enriched by available experiences from inside and outside the BSR, and will be based on the international state of knowledge.
A mutual learning arena will be established to enable transnational co-creation of solutions to accompany local work processes.
The project will last 36 months, its activities will take place in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and almost all of Scandinavia (Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark) and Germany.
The leader outlined the key work plan and tasks that need to be completed, including pilot activities - pilot preparatory work, documents, permits.
All partners were asked and presented their activities, how they will be carried out, what methodology along with the expected results and benefits.
We look forward to the development of this very interesting venture, which we will keep you informed about.