Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Nursecoast IItl-ne News Nursecoast-II Projects English pll_647f33a041480 Nursecoast II
Nursecoast II - Online meeting
The Nursecoast II partnership meeting was held today, 06/06/2023. Partners connected online to discuss key issues related to the planned pilots. Technical issues related to the implementation of the project were addressed, then the participants focused on discussions related to future pilot activities. They set guidelines, regarding substantive work, such as collecting specific data and preparing reports. They also stressed the importance of inviting experts to the project, who will be able to provide the necessary knowledge for the implementation of the intended activities, and the involvement of potential partners who could provide their expertise.
Another online meeting is scheduled in two weeks' time, where the results of today's findings will be presented.
A description of the project can be found in the "projects" tab, under the link:
Nursecoast II