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Nowe Miasto Lubawskie - the first study visit from the GreenUp project!
On July 11 this year, the first of three study visits combined with workshops took place as part of the Green Up project. The first place visited was Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, where a 4-hour field workshop was held. The event was attended by, among others: representatives of the local government, representatives of local government organizations and young people from the Youth Council of the City of Nowe Miasto Lubawskie.
The study visit began with a visit to the Drwęca River waterfront, then the group headed towards the Glade at Piastowska Street, walked past the Rose Garden and headed towards the City Park.
The meeting included a brainstorming session and analysis of the current state of affairs, which included a number of ideas for the development of selected sites in the city that will improve the environment. Participants discussed potential plans for the development of the designated sites to make them vibrant. The plans include boardwalks, alleys, landscaping and educational paths, among others. Representatives of the City Council shared past activities and good local practices, which can also be used in future activities.
During the visit, mini-interviews were conducted with residents of Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, the subject of which was to investigate the state of knowledge of residents on ecology. The interviews will be used to create "knowledge pills," i.e. informational and educational videos that will make potential recipients aware of the knowledge of climate change, environmental protection, closed-loop economy, pro-environmental solutions and principles of sustainable development.