Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

NBS Marketstl-ne News Projects English pll_6451569b4d50f NBS Markets
Today, 11.04.2023, the first start-up conference took place in the online format of the newly launched international cooperation of organisations from Poland, Germany, Denmark and Lithuania under the seed funding of the Interreg Baltic Sea Programme, called NBS Markets, which should be translated as "implementing nature-based solutions in the functioning of urban markets in the Baltic Sea area".

This was the first in a full project consortium of 5 beneficiaries, who act as an umbrella for local cities and municipalities striving together to create a regular project in the future call for regular projects of the Interreg SB programme.
During the inaguration meeting, the partners examined the state of progress to date and the possibility of expanding the consortium to include new actors. There was also a wide-ranging discussion on the orientation of planned activities in terms of educational and pilot activities aimed at jointly finding solutions to the hitherto untapped potential of urban markets, which can become catalysts for green growth and a source of more efficient use of resources.
During the event, the partners agreed that the common goal would be to establish strong cross-border partnerships that work together to develop and test solutions that enhance and contribute to the creation of resourceful circular cities.

The envisaged goal of a future regular project will be to develop a set of practical solutions to transform public public markets into Green HUBs.
By Green HUBs we mean urban areas that:
- have a restorative function for the local environment (i.e. biodiversity, air quality, water management or soil regeneration),
- play an important role in local value chains for recycled materials
- serve as examples of innovative waste management.
It has been decided that the project will result in at least one set of solutions to increase resource efficiency and waste management in public markets in the SB region.
We invite all member municipalities of the association interested in the NBS Markets project to participate and contribute to this initiative as full partners (with their own budgets) and associate partners (observers).
More information forthcoming