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Meetings with school youth in Braniewo as part of the GreenUp project.
The series of methodological meetings with students as part of the Green Up! project has come to an end. The meetings were aimed at activating pupils to actively participate in discussions on environmental issues. Young people had the opportunity to put forward their ideas for ecological solutions for the environment, so that the most interesting ones would then have a real chance of being implemented.

The young participants in the workshop showed a great deal of knowledge about ecology, expressing themselves maturely on topics such as the greenhouse effect, water management and litter. Divided into groups, the pupils worked hard to come up with and develop their ideas on how to improve the environment in which they live. They then presented their findings. Ideas such as creating dog parks, installing solar battery chargers, placing water dispensers in the city, and many other interesting ideas emerged. In addition to needs such as more rubbish bins, drinking water springs in the city, and the creation of outdoor meeting places, there was also the idea of creating a botanical garden and flower meadows. The students also highlighted the need to increase environmental awareness, both in the younger and older generations.

The first of three meetings with young people from Braniewo within the project took place at The Senat RP Primary School No. 3 in Braniewo, the second school visited was The Ziemia Braniewska Primary School No. 5 in Braniewo, the third facility was The Jan Paweł II Sports Primary School No. 6 in Braniewo. As a reminder - earlier, young people from the Dzierzgoń municipality and from Nowe Miasto Lubawskie had the opportunity to present their ideas.

Pupils were encouraged to take part in a competition to record a video of several minutes, based on the principles of "reduce, reuse, recycle!". Winners of the competition will receive prizes in kind.
All the ideas of the young workshop participants were read out and put together in a folder that will go to the office and further deliberations at the 'round table', and the best ones will be selected for further stages of the project.

The meetings were attended by project partners: WAMA COOP Association, Elbląg Technology Park and the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic.
The project is implemented as part of the Active Citizen Fund – Regional Programme