Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk
Newstl-ne News English pll_64550f5547759
Meeting in Cedry Wielkie
On May 5 this year, representatives of our Association had the opportunity to visit the Marina Błotnik located in Cedary Wielkie, a place with potential with regard to joint activities, related to the promotion of good practices in the area of water infrastructure. Together with the director of the Żuławy Center for Culture and Sports - Łukasz Żarna, and Elbląg entrepreneur, associated with the water environment in Elbląg - Marcin Trudnowski, talks were held about possible cooperation in the framework of activities for education and strengthening the potential of water management in our region.
After holding substantive discussions, the delegation went for a short walk around the marina to get acquainted with the next stages of investment in the marina. On the occasion of the meeting, there was also an opportunity to take part in a tulip festival, or "Oh Gosh, Tulips" campaign, which involves collecting interesting varieties of tulips with one's own hands.