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Kick-off of CONE project
The conference starting the new project CONE- Cities of Nature: nature-based solutions in Urban Living Labs took place in Padua on June 11-12, 2024. The meeting was organized by the project leader UniSMART, headquartered in Padua. Nearly all partners participated, including representatives from the Association and the Gdańsk University of Technology, who presented the third Polish partner, the City of Wejherowo. It is in this city that the pilot activities will take place. Additionally, the associated partners are: the City and Municipality of Sztum, the City and Municipality of Dzierzgoń, and the City of Tolkmicko, where the Association will conduct a small pilot activity.

The first day of the meeting was dedicated to getting the partners acquainted and revisiting the main project assumptions. The participants were welcomed by Valentina Scandola, the project leader, and Margherita Cera from the Padua City Council. The aim of the project is to create urban living labs to test nature-based solutions. The project will feature three pilot locations in Padua, Wejherowo, and České Budějovice. Additionally, four solutions for replication will be developed, along with a common strategy.

Ms. Anna Boruch, representing the Joint Secretariat of the program, was invited to the conference and discussed the program guidelines regarding the implementation and accounting of the project. She instructed the partners on the documents where they can find information about promotion, visualization, and the system for reporting.

The second part of the day was dedicated to getting to know the partners and their presentations related to their activities and the actions planned within the project.

Polish representatives talked about their tasks in the project.

The second day of the launch conference began again with a welcome by the project leader and a few words about the project for new participants.

Partners of the project leader from Italy were invited and shared their experiences with the use of nature-based solutions. These were interesting presentations, thanks to which the participants could be inspired for future activities.