Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

NBS Marketstl-ne NBS Markets. News Projects English pll_64e4aec4b974e NBS Markets
Kick off conference -April 11, 2023
On April 11, 2023, the kick-off conference of the NBS Markets project (online) was held. Project is co-financed under the Interreg South Baltic program. The meeting was attended by partners from the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, City Initative Association, Gdansk University of Technology and Aarhus University.

During the meeting, preliminary information about the project and organizational issues related to the management of project activities was discussed. The project leader reminded the goal and assumptions of the project. According to the name of the project, its subject matter will concern:
- nature-based solutions,
- green and sustainable development,
- social and economic problems,
- circular economy,
- promotion of sustainable development goals.

The overall aim of the project is to create strong partnerships that work together to develop and test methods for introducing nature-based solutions in market areas. Information on the plan and structure of the seed money project was discussed. Additionally, they talked about the planned activities that will be implemented.
The aim of the Seed Money project is:
- Define the role and expertise of Partners
- Identifying suitable partners for a regular project
- Identifying pilot areas
- Literature review and local diagnosis
- Preparation of a concept note

The partners jointly set the dates of subsequent meetings and defined the work framework for each of the organizations involved in the project.
- 4 partner meetings
- 3 e-meetings, research and expansion of consortia
[April May June] - 1 cross-border workshop [mid-June]
- Concept development [July/August]
- Completion of the project [August]