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Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 - 1st call for proposals until 15 February 2023!
Dear Sirs and Madame! We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027. The 1st call for proposals has been opened and runs from 20 December 2022 to 15 February 2023.
We would like to inform everyone interested in submitting an application that it is necessary to use the online application system WOD2021. Accordingly, please use the following website, which can be found at
The Application for Funding is part of the Central ICT System 2021 and is used to apply for EU funding.
You do not need an account in the application to view current calls for funding applications. You do need one to apply for funding, the System informs.
Who can apply? Public administration, Science and education institutions, Health care institutions, Business support institutions, Social organisations and religious associations, Individuals, Partnerships, Social partners, Enterprises, Enterprises pursuing public goals, Farmers, Community-led local development (RLKS), Fishermen, Public services, Integrated Territorial Investments (ZIT)
For more details, please see the Central System and, where you will find the entire application package.
We encourage you to take advantage of the 1st call for proposals!