Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Interreg South Baltic - Call for international projects coming soon!
In the first quarter of next year, the Interreg South Baltic 2021-2027 Program is opening its first call for proposals for small-scale projects.

Projects are expected to respond to challenges by proposing appropriate solutions for cross-border cooperation between partners.
In particular, the program aims to create and test new partnerships involving small, new organizations, NGOs and local actors.
PRIORITY 1 - Innovative South Baltic proposes
PRIORITY 2 - Sustainable South Baltic proposes
PRIORITY 3 - Attractive South Baltic proposes
PRIORITY 4 - Active South Baltic proposes
Project duration: up to 18 months.
Budget: up to €200,000.00
Budget scheme: Project budget = Staff costs + Other costs (staff costs*40%)
Financial scheme: 80% ERDF + 20% partners' own contribution
Recommended project size: 4-6 organizations in the project
Location of partners: at least 2 eligible partners from the program area from two different member states; primarily multilateral cooperation of three or more eligible partners from member states of the program area is supported.
If you have no project partners, please contact us, we'll try to help you to find the right partners!