Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Indigisetl-ne Indigise Projects English pll_628c99135850a Indigise
On May 9-11 2022 almost 30 young people (including 7 representatives of our Association) from 4 Baltic Sea countries had the opportunity to participate together with their guardians in the "Social Entrepreneurship Camp" organized by the University of Klaipeda as part of the Indigise project.
The international event was an opportunity to work on social activity and entrepreneurship as a symbiotic business relationship. During three intensive days of work, participants could develop their ideas and also talk about problems that bother them not only in their own group but also with business specialists.
The exchange of experiences, learning about the functioning of existing social enterprises and international cooperation resulted in many ideally beautiful and financially aspiring business ideas, which were then consulted during the online part, which took place immediately after returning from Lithuania, on May 13-14, 2022. It was an opportunity to present the platform on social entrepreneurship, individual consultations on the participants' own business plans and where to look for substantive support by young entrepreneurs. The event was also summed up by te INDIGISE lead partner.

“Through this short trip, we were able to get to know each other in the context of social coexistence and demonstrate the most important social dilemmas for the development of our own businesses focused on social goals. Thank you for welcoming us and for the opportunity to take advantage of the experience and we look forward to the next ones ", said Dawid Markun, one of the event's participant.
One of the outputs of this event is the "Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Methodology Manual" which outlines guidelines for organizing innovation camps or similar events with a strong emphasis on social entrepreneurship.

The handbook is a set of interactive and innovative educational materials and ICT tools as well as gamification and brainstorming methods dedicated to training, education and awareness raising on social entrepreneurship among young people, which is recommended for use later by schools in other EU countries, universities, NGOs, etc.
Europe has a long tradition of organizing events that bring together pupils and students, academia, government and business from all over the country and even continents. These events create a common point of view for the participating countries, give them a fantastic opportunity to bring together workers, supporters, volunteers and especially young people at the same time and place. Entrepreneurship is not only about creating successful companies, it is rather the competence to improve the environment we live in by solving old and new problems, responding to unmet needs and having the ambition to meet known and emerging challenges such as achieving an carbon neutral economy carbon dioxide, eradicating poverty or cleaning the oceans of plastic, etc.
What is the next step?
Another event for Polish youth:
Date of the Event: 06/06/2022
Place: Elbląg - Old Town Hall (3rd floor), room D300, ul. Stary Rynek 25
Organizer: Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Bałtyk
We invite all youth councils existing in our member self-governments to participate in this event! More info coming soon!